
what are的词性,to的词性

he是什么词性 2023-12-07 14:47 897 墨鱼

what are的词性,to的词性

但是,实际上what we call “modern art”和what you call “Ancient Greece”都是名词性从句:第一句modern art 是call的宾语,what是modern art 的宾补。第二句Anci“what”有介词、形容词、副词、语气词四种词性;具体介绍如下:what英[wɒt] 美[wɑ:t](1)pron.(用以询

∪﹏∪ 3、What can you do ? 你会做什么?--I can sweep the floor.我会扫地。4、What are you doing? 你在做什么?--I’m doing an exp eriment. 我在做一个实验。5、What do you do on the weekend?What 的词性可以是形容词,但不是一定那样,有时是名词。What color is it? (它是什么颜色)在这里what 是形容词What are you doing? (你在做什么)在这里what 是名词分析总

Whatsizeareyourshoes?你的鞋是多大号的?Herbagisthesamecolorasmine她的包和我的包颜色一样6、在inthesameway,inthisway,inanotherway等短语中,in常常被省略P8.We are generally very conscientious about our work.我们普遍对工作都非常认真。9.Their example shows us what we are all capable of.他们作为榜样向我们展示了我们都能做些

what的常见用法用作疑问代词,用来构成特殊疑问句:1.与表示人的名词或人称代词连用,用来提问对方或第三者的职业或身份。例如:What is Comrade Liu? 刘同志是做什么的?“Wh1. -- Are these + 可数名词复数?-- Yes, they are. No, they aren’t. e.g: -- Are these horses? 这些是马吗?-- No, they aren’t. 不,它们不是。2. -- W

如:What?  What is this?what are you doing now?2 引导宾语从句:I know what i want to do tommorow 3 作宾语I found what i learned an school is very useful作表语This iWhat I need most is your help.我最需要的是你的帮助。What the town needs are more council houses.该市需要的是更多的市建民房。He began to think about just what he would d


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