

naughty怎么读发音 2023-11-17 20:00 934 墨鱼


一、语音考点:掌握字母组合le的发音二、词汇考点1.必考单词:11个有关服饰类的单词clothes衣服;服装pants裤子hat(常指带檐)的帽子dress连衣裙skirt女裙[题目]读一读.选出与其它两个不属于同类的单词.并将其字母代号填入题前的括号内. 1. A. pretty B. shorts C. pants2. A. sunny B. snowy C. jacket3. A. carrot B. sheep C

假如我穿著开襟羊毛外套、毛衣和雕花皮鞋上场,效果恐怕就完全不一样了。6. sweater 6. It doesn`t hurt much to purchase a $5 cardigan sweater and then discover you`re 就像我们的拼音一样,有平舌音、翘舌音、前鼻韵母、后鼻韵母一样,可以把发音相同的单词汇集起来,多读一读,读出语感。一、26个英文字母及发音音标如下:A a [ei]

+▂+ 4、pen bread friend pen bed desk egg hello pen pencil red zebra bedroom belt bread help member vest breakfast eleven seven seventeen seventy sweater tell twelve t牛津小学英语单词发音归类第一部分元音归类1cake late radio great eight play rain baseball radio staplercake again crayon eight eighteen eighty heyday

an apple(一个苹果) an umbrella(一把伞) an old woman(一个老女人) ◎a(an)的发音一般来说a[E],an[En],但强调“一个”时,特别加重语气可读成a[e],an[An] 1She decided on a beige cashmere sweater.───她决定穿一件米色羊绒毛衣. This cashmere sweater looks pretty good. Do you have this style in chestnut?───这件羊绒

1、sweater, pretty的正确发音2、pretty和smart的灵活运用设计理念:好的课堂教学不仅仅是传授知识和技能,更重要的是激发学生学习的兴趣和积极性、培养学生We had an exceedingly good lunch.(我们吃了一顿极为丰盛的午餐。·music class 英[ˈmju:zik klɑ:s] / n.音乐课They are having a music class.(他们正在上音乐课。·PE cla


标签: pretty音标



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