

丢失书包的寻物启事英语作文 2023-11-22 09:44 478 墨鱼


篇1:钱包丢失寻物启事3月23日晚8∶00左右,在淮河路一轿的车上遗失一个公文包,内有金额为5万的存折一份、派遣证一个及它物,有拾到者请与失主联系,失主愿重金酬谢。联系电话田先生英语寻物启事范文(精选8篇) 英语寻物启事篇1 Lost I lost a yellow handbag in the school libraty yesterday.There are the keys to my bedroom and my bike,my student ID

寻物启事英语作文1 I lost my notebook in the library this afternoon. Its cover is blue and white. I wrote my name on the first paper. There are about two hundred papers1、标题。标题有三种写法:一是写为“招领”二字,二是写为“失物招领”四字,三是写为“招领启事”。2、正文:正文十分简单,无非是某人在某时某处拾到什么失物,

——寻物启事10篇寻物启事1 【寻物启事格式】寻物启事一般包含了标题、正文、落款三项内容。1.标题。1)缘由加文种组成。如《寻物启事》。2)由文种加上丢失物招领启事范文英语第1篇Lost I lost my schoolbag on the playground on the afternoon of the 8th this month. Inside the schoolbag there are my bicy

英语失物招领启事范⽂ this afternoon, i found a handbag in the playground. there is a pen, a notebook and keys in it. besides, there is a wallet with credit cards 失物招领启事英语作文篇1 On the evening of January 4th, 20xx, I found an electronic dictionary in the English reading-room on the 3rd floor of the n


标签: lost英语作文初一40词



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