

我通常步行去学校的英文 2023-12-14 18:17 852 墨鱼


你好,翻译是:My father usually goes to work by bus.My father usually takes a bus to work.usually:通常take a bus:乘公交go to work:去上班祝你开心望采纳谢谢。青春最5、她坐公交车去车站She took a bus and which took her to the station. 错误She took a bus which took her to the station. 正确She took a bus and it took her to the stat

∩ω∩ 这里我也不绕弯子了,推荐大家去用Cambly 这个外教app。长期使用是要付费的,试用的话可以用我的个人她坐公共汽车去上班。翻译结果2复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部她去工作在BUS旁边。翻译结果3复制译文编辑译文朗读译文返回顶部她乘公共汽车去工作。翻译结果4复制译

她搭公车来上班Yes Yes Yes No No He has come all the way from Tokyo. 他从东京远道而来。She comes to work by bus.她搭公车来上…tw.myblog.yahoo|基于1 6.今天早上我就坐公交车去上班,在车上坐了好一会儿,突然我就觉得自己的耳朵非常地痒。于是我就挠了一会儿,然后就发现有一根头发在我的耳朵上,我就迅速地拔

精英家教网>初中英语>题目详情3.She goes to work by bus.(改为同义句) She (3)takes (4)a (5)bus to work. 试题答案在线课程分析她乘坐公共汽车去上班. 解答答案:takes a答:“坐公交车”用英语这样说:by bus或者take a bus。【短语】1,多坐公交车Multi-bus ; More sitting on the bus ; By bus。2,坐公交车观光go sightseeing b

她去工作公共汽车相关内容ayou come from stars 您来自星[translate] aAs we were so curious that we could not help to asking him how could become such extravagant.T骑自行车去上班的英文表达(1)go to work by bike (2)ride a bike to work (3)bicycle to work ride的用法1


标签: 她乘坐公共汽车用英语



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