

南京景点英文翻译 2023-11-18 21:04 710 墨鱼


?﹏? 小编立马上谷歌查了它的英文释义:“To purchase or acquire something quickly before anyone else has the chance. ”意为“在别人下手之前先购得某物。”例句:Snapping up trai买票的英文:to buy a ticket 参考例句:Children below 120 cm needn't pay fare. 120公分以下的小孩不必买票。People are queuing to buy tickets 人们正排

买票do we need to book? 我们需要预订吗?what tickets do you have available? 有什么票呢?I'd like two tickets, please 要两张,谢谢I'd like two tickets for …我要买票get (buy) a ticket你去买票,我来看管行李。I’ll mount guard over the luggage while you get the ticket.我等着买票,可是仅剩的一张票却让另一个人抢先买走了。I was

Hi, kids! How is your day? 现在交通越来越发达,真的是上天入地,无所不能。所以我们时不时地就想来一场说走就走的旅行,“我带上你,你带上钱”,无论哪一种交一般我们坐车买票的时候,会有单程票和往返票:one - way ticket -- 单程票(从a到b这段路程的车票)one-way指的是:一个方向的,单个方向的在有些地区,人们也会把“单程票”用

⊙△⊙ 沪江词库精选买票英文怎么写及英语单词、英语单词怎么写、例句等信息to buy a ticket 相似短语admission by ticket 凭票入场That's the ticket 正是,这才对呢!ticket office n.票房,售票处关于票也有很多实用的口语,来跟着传实翻译小编一起学习吧!首先是买票。Early-bird ticket早鸟票提前购票的时候,有时候会有一种叫早鸟票的东西,它的英文是什么呢?Early-bird tic

英文翻译Buying tickets 重点词汇买票───Buying tickets 双语使用场景He waylaid other boys as they came, and went on buying tickets of various colors ten or Where can I buy the ticket?我在哪里买票How much is the ticket?门票多少钱一张Could I have two tickets, please?可以给我两张票吗疫情结束之后去想去的地方吧趁着阳光正好


标签: 去体育场英文



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