
either of us,either of后面的谓语动词

either用于哪里 2023-12-19 15:18 740 墨鱼

either of us,either of后面的谓语动词

of us───我们的either of to───你们中的任何一个either of tbref───tbref之一either───pron.(两者中的)任何一个;两者中的)每个;用于否定句表示两者)都不;coNeitherofusspokeoftheboat,butweboththoughtof it. 我们两个人谁都不提那条小船,可是心里都惦记着。8. Abarrierhadtobe erectedbetweenuswhichneitherofuswouldbe able to

╯^╰〉 either of 是指“两者有其一”Either of us speaks English. (注意“speaks“neither of是指“两者都不”用于否定句Neither of us English. (注意“speaks“botneither of us后跟单数还是复数是:neither of +名词复数+动词单数(正式时候)neither后面不可接不可数名词。例:Neither of my parents wanted me to marry him.我父母都不希望我嫁给

1. He can invite either of us to the party. (他可以邀请我们中任何一个去派对。2. You are welcome to sit in either of the available seats. (欢迎您随意选择空缺坐位Type the characters you see in this image: Try different image Continue shopping Conditions of UsePrivacy Policy

∩ω∩ either of,“两者之一”,其后谓语动词用单数。作代词时,后面与of连用,后接名词复数。作主语时,谓语动词用单数。例如,Either of the books is mine.两本书中任何一本都是我的。eithEither of Us,由歌手QKJ演唱,酷我音乐网提供Either of Us无损音乐,Either of Us免费无损下载,Either of Us高品质音乐,HiFi音乐下载,无损音乐在线听,好音质,用酷我。陪着我,不要停


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