
come from同义词,want同义词

from to的同义词 2023-12-20 16:18 511 墨鱼
from to的同义词

come from同义词,want同义词

come from 美英v.出身;出于;来源于网络来自;新浪微博;上海第三人称单数:comes from现在分词:coming from过去式:came from 英汉英英网络释义v. 1. 出身;来自,出自,出于..e for 来接人;来取物相似单词come v.[I] 1.[come (to…(from…来(指行动过程);[come (to…来(指到达);[come (to sth) (with sb) ]来(相聚或出席); [通常与现在

come from的同义词释义1:来自arrive from,be from 同义词辨析arrive from 来自可引申为由何处来;从某地来;跟“从…来”也是一个意思。be from 来自于接..e from的同义词(1)come from 来自于“出生于;出身于,来自于”可用于回答国家、国籍或所在地。2)arrive from 来自可引申为由何处来;从某地来;跟“从…来”也是一个意

come from的同义词come from 的同义词是:be from.意思是:来自…哪里。例如:Where is he from?他来自哪里--He is from Germany.他来自德国。这是be from结构的句型。Where doe from=come from

come from 同义词arrive from;have one's origin in;result from来自;源于;产生;结果come from arrive from;have one's origin in;result from来自;源于;产生;结果to come from (a place)hail from spring from come from to be from be deri


标签: want同义词



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